Type specimen for Spore
Reading, UK
“Spore is a contemporary serif face that functions as both a display face at larger sizes and a book face with a whimsical undertone at smaller sizes. It is currently designed in the Latin, Arabic, and Tamil script—which were
3 out of the 4 main scripts used in Singapore, before Malay was Romanized and written in the Latin script...”
3 out of the 4 main scripts used in Singapore, before Malay was Romanized and written in the Latin script...”
Editorial Design
Connections Across Oceans: Early Chinese Mutual Aid Organisations
Singapore, Singapore
Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
“Migration out of China increased substantially during the 19th century to destinations all over the world, with most migrants arriving in Southeast Asia or in North America. As local governments did not provide adequate support and welfare, Chinese migrants started their own organisations in order to survive in foreign lands...”
Spatial Graphics
Multiscript Typesetting/Typography
Editorial Design
Multiscript Typesetting/Typography
Editorial Design
Reunion Social Space
Singapore, Singapore
National Museum of Singapore and Lien Foundation
National Museum of Singapore and Lien Foundation
“The National Museum of Singapore has created the first purpose-built dedicated social space for seniors in a local museum, in partnership with Lien Foundation. Named Reunion, the space is an inclusive one for seniors, including those with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, to engage in meaningful activities and conversations inspired by the museum’s collection...”
Spatial Graphics
Spatial Graphics
The Department of Information & Economy
Brexitland, UK
“The year is 2030, in a hypercapitalist future where social media organizations' years of data collecting for advertising have put them in a place where they hold powers over world governments. GDPR is dead, and whatever rules that were drawn up in the past to keep these companies in check have long disappeared...”
Motion Graphics
Editorial Design
Motion Graphics
Editorial Design
History & Imagination: Modern Photography from Singapore
Singapore, Singapore
National Gallery Singapore
National Gallery Singapore
“History and Imagination presents the works of four Singapore photographers: Tan Lip Seng, Lee Lim, Lim Kwong Ling and Lee Sow Lim. These amateur photographers were active members of camera clubs in the 1950s and 1960s, a period of rapid political and urban change in newly independent Singapore...”
Editorial Design
Editorial Design
Juliana Tan Studio: Brand & Portfolio Update
Singapore, Singapore
Juliana Tan Studio
Juliana Tan Studio
“Juliana Tan is a Singapore based photographer. The studio and portfolio rebrand consisted of cleaning up versions of the logo, as well as creating fresh collaterals that she could hand to clients in the day to day.
These collaterals consisted of templates for a leave behind, invoices, inserts, certificates of authenticity as well as a digital deck that showcased her chosen work.”
These collaterals consisted of templates for a leave behind, invoices, inserts, certificates of authenticity as well as a digital deck that showcased her chosen work.”
07 — 1972
United California Bank Burglary
United California Bank Burglary
Laguna Niguel, CA
Stolen: $30 million
Stolen: $30 million
The United California Bank burglary took place on March 24, 1972, when the safe deposit vault at United California Bank in Laguna Niguel, California, was broken into and $30 million in cash and valuables were looted by professional burglars. The gang gained entry to the vault by using dynamite to blast a hole in its reinforced concrete roof.
08 — 1997
Dunbar Armored Car Robbery
Dunbar Armored Car Robbery
Los Angeles, CA
Stolen: $18.9 million
Stolen: $18.9 million
The Dunbar Armored robbery took place on the night of September 12, 1997. Robbers rushed the vault guards and managed to subdue them before they could signal any alarms. They knew exactly which bags contained the highest denominations and non-sequential bills. They also knew where the recording devices for the security cameras were located and took them.
09 — 2004
Northern Bank Robbery
Northern Bank Robbery
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Stolen: £26.5 million
($51 million)
Stolen: £26.5 million
($51 million)
The Northern Bank robbery was a robbery of cash from the headquarters of Northern Bank in Belfast, Northern Ireland. On December 20, 2004, a gang seized the equivalent of £26.5 million in pounds sterling. Although one person has been convicted of money laundering, the investigation is still ongoing, and the case remains unsolved.
10 — 1987
Knightsbridge Robbery
Knightsbridge Robbery
Knightsbridge, England
Stolen: £60 million
($98 million)
Stolen: £60 million
($98 million)
The Knightsbridge robbery took place on July 12, 1987 in Cheval Place, Knightsbridge, England. Two men entered the Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre, drew handguns and subdued the manager and security guards. They broke open many of the safe deposit boxes and left with a hoard estimated to be worth £60 million.
11 — 1992
Bank of France Robbery
Bank of France Robbery
Toulon, France
Stolen: ₣146 million
($30 million)
Stolen: ₣146 million
($30 million)
In 1992, robbers went to a bank guard's home, took him and his family hostage and lashed sticks of dynamite to the guard to ensure his compliance. Then the robbers drove the guard to the Bank of France just as it was closing and kept the 15 employees from leaving while they emptied out safes.